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Friday, December 22, 2006

My internet connection was broken

Nothing to said, my internet was broke sine 12 hours ago. I feel so sad. So, what i want to do now? friends said something useful how to repair or settle my problem.

Finally, i manage to solve my internet connection. Have a bugs or something wrong with my pc. After i do something with my pc, Godak sana godik sini. My pc is full tank!! She can go more..go fast than before. I'm glad to solve this problem.

Ok.for geology student, i want to advice you one thing. When you studied at Bilik Kuliah 52 or 49, concentrate with your class. Especially Felix Tongkul and Dr Baba class. Don't try to abuse them haa..You will be caught by them..:)

Ok..i have work to do. See ya !!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Do you know WHY you need a job?

Ok..just take 1 minutes from your busy time. I just want to ask you one question. Maybe you can answer it instantly. BUt answer it honestly and wisely. Why you need a job? After you study like hell at college or school. What do you want actually? For work or for life? Think it? Someone tell me good answer with better reason. For Money and the reason is With money, we can live at this world. At this earth..

So, what about you guys? Need Job? Find right now. ANd don't waste your time.

Geologist can make more money. Why i need to be Geologist? If you all want to know, Geologist Field is special case. Geoogist was not created easily. We was created like hell and need special training. So, what is your choice ?

Geologist 2nd Rate

Next, I will tell you our 2nd Years subject. Really tough and make us suffer every time. Hehe..

I think many my friends already get job especially at Petronas and Shell. Ganbate My friends. Wish you all happy with your works..:)

Six core subjects are offered during the second year. These subjects build on the basic materials presented in the first year and provide a strong basis for the applied subjects in the following year.

1. SG2053 Structural Geology
2. SG2023 Photogeology and Mapping Techniques
3. SG2043 Geochemistry
4. SG2083 Petrology
5. SG2123 Sedimentology and Depositional Environmental
6. SG2113 Malaysian Geology and Regional Geology

I think twice wheather i want to became Geologist or not??

PS : Anybody can advice me??

1st Year Geology Course

This is our 1st Year Geology Course at my college.

Five core geology subjects are offered during the first year. By core, we mean not optional. The first subject which is offered by the School provides a broad introduction to geology. Students are required to take several other non-geological subjects as specified by the School.

1. ST1052 Earth Science and Planet
2. SG1113 Geomorphology and Geological Map
3. SG1043 Palaeontology
4. SG1143 Historical Geology and Stratigraphy
5. SG1123 Mineralogy and Petrographydasd

All subject is really tough. And i think, i survive for 4 years im in college. Huh..really tough and i feel like crazy when i think again..:)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

About myself - Future Junior Geologist

Yap. Just call me pepatungbiru. This is a nickname for only in this blog and I'm happy with that. I'll try to make a post in Bahasa Inggeris and sometimes i will write post in Bahasa Melayu. I want learn more about that language.

Futhermore, i will become Junior Geologist after this. So, i hope i can work as Geologist with all my heart. I hope I can go further.

Oh ya. I studying at UMS. One college at my country. Geology is famous course at my college. SO, we are famous club and have marvelous guy and fantastic girl. All of them is crazy and has their own ambition. RIght now, i'm just finishing my grade and do some part time before i become as Geologist. Just waste my time and share info for my junior..

Thanks for reading my blog. I will post many information about geology and my college after this. Thanks again.. :)

My Last Year Project Place - Semporna

This is my Semporna Map. You can discover it at Mt final project tesis. All in this blog about my course and studies.

Many information especially for Geology Student can get here. I want to give you this information if you really like to share same interest with me. Thats all..

This is my stories about Geology Notes

This my 1st blog about Geology. I will publish my post about Geology and thats my notes when i studying at UMS..

For me thats my precise notes. I want to share with you all about my notes and My exam question. You all can get information and more news from us.


My regards..